Muhammad Feroz Rafiq


Mr. Feroz Rafiq (L.L.M, ACCA, CeIO) is a management, finance, anti-corruption, and auditing expert,

with more than 16 years of professional work experience in governmental and non-governmental organizations, out of which 13 years have been in senior management and technical positions. His areas of expertise are management consulting, audit, advisory, commercial law, anti-corruption, and financial management. Currently he is serving as the Chairman of Synergy Management Consultants.

Mr. Rafiq’s experience includes serving as the Managing Partner (Audit & Assurance) at Moore Afghanistan, Chief Financial Officer of Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat; Managing Partner of Synergy Management Consultants; and Audit Supervisor at KPMG Afghanistan Ltd.

He has been involved in the supervision of many organizations having previously served as the President of the Afghanistan Society of Accounting Technicians, as a Board Member of the Certified Professional Accountants of Afghanistan (professional accountancy body of Afghanistan) based in the Ministry of Finance, as Board Member of the National Institute of Management and Administration (NIMA) and as an Integrity Champion for the Business Integrity Network of Afghanistan.

Mr. Rafiq received his master’s degree in international Commercial Law from the University of Westminster UK, his Chartered Accountancy qualification from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) UK, and his Certified Integrity Officer qualification from the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Academy.

Gul Nabi

Managing Partner (ProgramOperations/Implementation)

Mr. Gul Nabi (MBA, MSD, PMD Pro) is a management, market system development and program management expert.

 He has master’s in business administration (MBA) from Kardan University, Kabul Afghanistan. He started to work in 2011 and acquired more than 10 years of extensive experience in public, private, and humanitarian sectors in senior management and technical positions. His areas of expertise are management consulting, business development, capacity building, and market research. Currently he is serving as the Managing Partner in Synergy Management Consultants.


Mr. Gul experience include serving as Program Senior Manager (Change Management) at Ministry of Interior Affairs, Head of Program at Synergy Management Consultants, Project Manager at Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology, Finance Manager at Moore Afghanistan, Program Support Manager at Save the Children and Social Mobilization Team Member with WADAN Afghanistan, Audit Associate at RSM International.


In addition, He worked as volunteer with different civil society organizations where he mentored and taught to youth on self-development exploring careers. He is also a board member of the New Life Organization

Zulaikha Rafiq

Education and Gender Specialist

Zulaikha Rafiq has more than 39 years of work experience, mostly in the non-governmental non-profit sector.

She has worked in different senior management capacities with national and international organizations including International Rescue Committee, UNESCO, International Medical Corps, IbnSina Afghanistan, Afghan Women’s Resource Center (AWRC), and Afghan Women’s Education Center (AWEC), as well as with a World Bank funded program to support education in Afghanistan (EQUIP). Her areas of work included teaching EFL, providing professional trainings, communications, and designing and managing programs for women’s empowerment and protection, and child protection.


For the past eight years, she has been working as an independent professional consultant, and has successfully completed assignments for many Afghan and international organizations including Terres des homme, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNESCO, UN Women, CARE International, Save the Children Afghanistan, Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, Aga Khan Foundation, AWEC, AADA, ASMO, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, and others. The bulk of her consulting work has been related to qualitative research, providing professional training, and mentoring of teacher educators undertaking action research.


Zulaikha Rafiq has an MA in English and American Literature from Delhi University (1984) and an MA in Creative Writing from Brunel University London (2018). 


Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Expert

Mr. Himatullah has a Masters in Project Management.

He has over 21 years of experience in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating integrated programs in development and Humanitarian setup.

As CEO of HIMAT CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, he has managed top-notch consultants and delivered 61 assignments to a range of clients including but not limited to UNICEF, Oxfam GB, CB Germany, ADB, SDC, Concern, Help Age, Care International, AKF and AKRSP.

Himat has led the Country M&E team of the IRC and Concern worldwide. He has also contributed to MSI, Save the Children, Chemonics International, and AKRSP as an M&E expert

Nahzatullah Afzali

Livelihood and Food Security, and Agriculture Specialist

Nahzatullah Afzali, has master’s degree in business administration from Indian School of Business Management (ISBM).

 In addition, BSc. in agriculture, forestry, and horticulture from Balkh University. He has started work in 2011. 

He is responsible for curriculum development with UNESCO.  Former experience as livelihood Services Manager for conflict affected people’s livelihood support with USAID Blumont Global Development | COMAC Program, as a food security and livelihoods program coordinator with Save the Children International (SCI) and program manager as a Translation Coordinator, Agribusiness Manger, and Agriculture Education, Program Manager with People in Need International. I have been working at management level in agricultural development and agriculture education programs with USAID projects Purdue University’s Strengthening Afghan Agricultural Faculties (SAAF) as a program assistant and Afghan Agriculture Extension Project (AAEP) as a project manager.

He has a minimum of 12 years of professional experience as a dynamic professional with a background in education development, Agriculture in rural and urban area with supporting small grants for small enterprise and business in agriculture and humanitarian assistance focusing on returnees, IDPs and host community to support food security livelihood and IGAs programs.


He has done monitoring evaluation of agriculture programs with SAAF, AAEP and PIN. Since 2013, He is monitoring and evaluating the quality of agriculture curriculum in agriculture schools monitoring and evaluating the agricultural businesses in afghan agriculture high school and agriculture and veterinary institutes. He has been monitoring the linkage between agriculture schools and private sector (agricultural companies). He developed questionnaire for monitoring the linkage between schools and private sector and another governmental sectors MAIL and DAIL. 


Since 2013, He has good expertise in Agriculture Development Project such as curriculum development, agribusiness programs and Humanitarians Emergency Response Mechanism. He has good knowledge of the analyses of Afghanistan’s general and agriculture education. He has worked with schools and institutes of agriculture to support the students with agriculture education programs in more than 20 provinces for six years. Through my work with PIN, He developed agricultural curricula and modules for agricultural education in institutes and high schools all over Afghanistan. Along with this, He provided training to teachers at the agriculture and veterinary institutes. He developed agriculture education materials for seven subjects and different topics in English, Pashto and Dari languages for PIN and DM TEVT.